Same Sex Marriage Case Comment on Navtej Singh Johar Case

Gaargi Tomar
University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun, India.

Volume II – Issue II, 2020

Since, marriage is a union between two individual (who become and husband and wife) but now the society today consider gay marriage as sick and this is the reason Gay marriage is one of the issues where society refuse to accept or to deal with it and also LGBT people are not entitled to some of the constitutional rights such as article 14,15 and Article 19 including Right to life of constitution.

We will be also discussing about the cases on same sex marriage which is Naz Foundation v. Govt. of N.C.T. of Delhi Naz Foundation v. Govt. of N.C.T. of Delhi and Navtej Singh Johar, a dancer who identified as part of the LGBT community, filed a Writ Petition in the Supreme Court in 2016 seeking recognition of the right to sexuality, right to sexual autonomy and right to choose of a sexual partner to be part of the right to life guaranteed by Art. 21 of the Constitution of India (Constitution).

There are 13 countries where same sex marriage is accepted and what must be considered is that each and every have our own free will we can do whatever we want to do and by denying gay marriage we are discriminating gay people.


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