Education for the Disabled: The Reality and Challenges

Kanchan Yadav
Completed LL.M. from WBNUJS, Kolkata, India.

Volume II – Issue I, 2020

Due to a number of existing barriers, people with disabilities have less opportunities to access quality education. To this day, youngsters with inabilities remain the most rejected, often being separated due to their handicaps, as well as due to ignorance about disabilities among the able-bodied people. Kids with disabilities are more averse to begin school, and even if they do, very few of them move towards higher education.

Denying youngsters with disabilities their right to education permanently affects learning and accomplishment. The National Policy on Education advocates coordinated instruction by schools for the mildly disabled children, and specialized curriculum for those who are seriously incapacitated. However, even though there is deficiency of laws and plans in the nation to advance the education of youngsters with special needs, they are not fulfilling their targeted objectives.

The Integrated Education of Disabled Children, a scheme propelled by the Central Government, can be extremely useful in this case if applied correctly. It calls for the idea of inclusive education, which contends that all children, regardless of the nature and level of the incapacity, ought to be instructed in ordinary schools with ordinary kids. This paper means to evaluate the barriers against education for the disabled, and how to beat them by inclusive education and other such strategies.

Keywords: Disability, Education, Inclusive education, Disabled children, Integrated Education of Disabled Children.


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